“Seek earnestly the best gifts”

I am grateful for all the followers of Christ in the Sacramento East Stake who have been a great example to me.  I am grateful for those who exemplify the Savior by going “about doing good” (Acts10:38).  I am grateful that amongst our stake, all followers of Jesus Christ who are baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and seek to keep the commandments have received one or more spiritual gift (see D&C 46:11).  Paul used the analogy of the human body to show how each individual Church member is essential to the entire body of the Church. We also as members of the Sacramento East Stake are blessed by those who minister to the needs of others within our stake with their gifts and talents, and as a result the Church and community as a whole, is blessed.  

May we “seek…earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given; For verily I say unto you, they are given for the benefit of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and him that seeketh so to do; that all may be benefited that seek or that ask of me” (see D&C 46:8-9). 

With love 

President Jackson 

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