How do we continue in Christ’s Love?

How do we continue in [Christ’s] Love? (John 14:9)

Is it possible to continually feel the love of Christ in our lives?  In verses 10-14 of John 14 Christ gives some insights.

We can feel His love if we keep his commandments or are willing to try.  The reason He wants us to feel the joy He has is because there is no greater joy.  He wants us to be totally full of His joy so that we have no room for anything else.  One of the best ways we can do this is by loving others as Christ did, with charity (1 Cor. 13:1-8).  We can also show love by sacrificing our time for our friends and family.  We can be Christ’s friend if we do as He has commanded us to do.  

This doesn’t happen overnight, however, if we continue to strive to do those things that help Christ abide in us, like centering our homes on Christ with Come Follow Me, time in the temple, and improved sacrament worship, His love and joy will increase and abide in us and we will desire it more fully.  This I know to be true.  May we all continue in this effort together!  

With Love 

President Jackson 

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