Refuge from the World

There are all kinds of voices in the world today. Do you hear them? There are angry voices that protest. There are subtle voices that tempt. There are fearful voices that bring anxiety. Do you hear them? How can you escape them?

One important answer is found in our homes. There we may hear the voices of peace. There we may hear the voices of safety. There we may hear the voices of love. Do you hear them there?

Our home must be or become a refuge from the voices of the world. A place where kindness is learned through gentle words; where strength is learned through patient responses; where faith in Christ is learned through constant prayer.

Another refuge from the voices of the world is found within the walls of the temple. There we are shielded from the influence of the outside. There we are removed from the bustle of life. There we are released from our own concerns about self by serving those who can only be reached as we serve them in holy spaces.

It is within the walls of Christ centered homes and Temple walls that we hear the still, small voice of the Spirit.

The theme for conference this month surrounds having a Christ centered home and serving in the temple of our God. We invite each of you to prepare for Stake Conference by reading the following conference talks from our prophets.

Love, Your Sac East Stake Presidency

April 2009 Elder Bednar – Honorably Hold a Name and a Standing
April 2009 Elder Stevenson – Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples
Oct. 2021 Elder Bednar – With the Power of God in Great Glory
Oct. 2022 Pres. Nelson – Overcome the World and Find Rest

Details for conference:

Saturday, February 18th, 7:00 pm adult session.

Sunday, February 19th, 10:00 am general session.

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