Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I look forward to the opportunity we have to study the life of the Savior from the New Testament this year.  I love reading the New Testament.  I remember the first time I read the New Testament as a youth.  It was life changing for me and I know it will be again this year.  In the Prophet’s Message from the last General Conference, he stated “My dear brothers and sisters, so many wonderful things are ahead. In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen. Between now and the time He returns, with power and great glory, He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.”  This is true for all of us if we are willing to “follow Him”.  May we assist each other in our shared goal of coming unto Christ through this coming year.  May we come to know Christ better as families and individuals and make our homes a place of light and refuge from the world.  May we be unified and help one another as a stake in this effort, that we may have his spirit to help us daily repent and improve in our commitment to become more like Christ. 

The Savior’s invitation, “Come, follow me,” applies to all—whether we are new on the path of discipleship or have walked it all our lives. This was His invitation to a rich young man who was striving to keep the commandments (see Matthew 19:16–22; Luke 18:18–23). What the young man learned—and what we all must learn—is that being a disciple means giving our whole souls to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We progress in our discipleship as we identify what we lack, make changes, and seek to more fully follow Them.

I know as we make time to draw unto Christ, he will draw near to us and assist us and our families in all we do.  May we make the Savior the focus of our lives this new year.  I promise as you do you will see miracles in your life!

Love, President Jackson

Come Follow Me Resources

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