April 2023 General Conference

April 1-2, 2023

“General conference provides an opportunity to receive personal revelation as living prophets and other general Church leaders give counsel and direction. We encourage members to listen to, study and apply the counsel given,” – the First Presidency

The conference will consist of five general sessions for all individuals, families and friends. The three Saturday (April 1st) sessions begin at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Sessions on Sunday (April 2nd) morning and afternoon are at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. (PDT) . All sessions will be streamed live on the live broadcasts page of ChurchofJesusChrist.org. You can also watch and listen on the General Conference YouTube channel; Gospel Library app; and other radio, television, satellite, and digital channels. For a detailed list of live and on-demand viewing options, see “Ways to Watch or Listen to General Conference Live.

How Can I Prepare?

Ideas to Prepare to Participate in General Conference:
*Ask Questions and Look for Answers; think about questions that have been weighing on your mind, write them down, and listen for answers during conference.
*Be open to any messages He may have for you
*Learn more about the apostles and who will be speaking
*Invite others to participate

General Conference Activities for Children and Youth

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