Making our Homes Like the Temple Blesses Us and Our Community

Our homes cannot be a temple built unto the Lord, but we can bring the spirit of the temple into our homes. How?

The temple and the ordinances there are symbolic of Jesus Christ and He is present in those ordinances. When we attend the temple and engage in the ordinances for ourselves and for our ancestors we may learn more of Christ and deepen our relationship with Him. Then when we return to our homes and family we bring the promised blessings within the walls of our home. It takes a conscious effort to live according to knowledge gained in the temple, but what better place do we have to practice than with our family and in our homes? Practice, they say, makes perfect. It also brings safety from the illnesses of an increasingly dangerous world.

Another blessing occurs when we make our homes like the temple. As our homes become sacred places of refuge the spirit of the temple can spread throughout our neighborhoods. The temple is the center of a web that is embedded in our communities and can have an influence on our neighbors, friends, and family who enter our sacred homes.
Dear Sisters and Brothers, we invite you to make the temple a frequent destination and your home a holy place of security for your family, your friends, and your community.

Representing the Stake Presidency in faith,
President Kelly Timpson

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