Make Sunday Worship a Christ-Centered Experience

We had the opportunity a couple of weeks ago to hear our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, as he counseled us to think celestial. To try to develop Christ-like attributes. To think celestial in our homes, as we try to make them Christ-centered, where the spirit can dwell.

Improving our Sabbath day experience is one of the key factors in helping us center ourselves and our homes on Christ. As we prepare to partake of the Sacrament each week, it causes us to focus on our covenant to remember our Savior Jesus Christ. It helps us to want to have His spirit and influence with us. This helps us want to keep His commandments and to treat others as He would treat them. Then as Sunday approaches, we look forward to meeting with the Saints and ministering to each other. Sacrament meeting becomes a delight, a place of rest and spiritual solace. We look forward to the Sabbath to rest from the cares of the world, so we can devote our time and efforts to growing closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

As we attend our Sunday meetings, they become more meaningful as we forget about ourselves and serve others. We can look for those whom the Lord might be prompting us to sit by, or maybe just go up and smile and introduce ourselves to someone new or visiting. Using the principle of Love, Share, and Invite as we attend our Sunday meetings can help us to minister to those in need, lift the downtrodden, and calm the heavy heart. Like King Benjamin so eloquently taught, we are all beggars, needing a lift from time to time. Do we not plead with our Heavenly Father every day that we might be forgiven of our sins and wrongdoings, that we might be found worthy and clean before Him?

We all need to be loved and feel accepted We all have a responsibility to make our Sunday meetings a place where that is felt. That is what Jesus would do if He were at the meeting. He trusts that as His disciples, we will do it for Him! And that we will do it in a sincere and Christ-like loving way.

We need to make our Sacrament meeting less of a “holding place” and more of a “holy place” for our children and ourselves. The more we strive to know and come close to our Savior Jesus Christ, by honoring the Sabbath Day and striving to keep it holy the more we will look forward to it, and the more we will have the promise of peace in this life and in the life to come because we will be thinking celestial more often. We will look forward to becoming like our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.

I pray that we will have the desire and commitment to do this, thus becoming righteous disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Preisdent Blair Moser

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