Stake Youth Activities

Stake Youth Social Media

Did you know that the Stake Youth Program has an Instagram and Facebook page? Be sure to follow for up to date information about upcoming activities and events. And if you are looking for more information, like camp forms or FSY dance videos, check out the linktree!

May 5-6  |  Aaronic Priesthood Commemoration Campout 

All males in the Stake and their friends are invited to attend the Stake Aaronic Priesthood Commemoration Campout from May 5-6 at Black Miners Group Camp Site in Folsom. Taco Dinner will be served at 6:30pm Friday, with a Campfire Program and s’mores at 8:30pm. Pancake breakfast at 8am Saturday, followed by water activities.

Aaronic Priesthood Campout

Saturday, May 13  |  Pre-FSY Activity and Multi-Stake Dance

youth turning 14+ are invited to a day of FSY excitement! The fun begins at 1:45pm  at the Stake Center, and will include group games, an escape room activity, a special guest speaker, service project, and lots more, including dinner! Please register at by May 7 so we can get a headcount. Following the activity, our stake will be hosting a Multi-Stake Dance at the Stake Center from 8-10:30pm.

YW Camp Registration and Information

Camp is July 24-29 this year and it’s going to be great! Please be sure to register at

YW camp calendar

information and forms can be found at

Camp Bountiful Service Project: April 22, 9:00-12:00; Leave stake center at 7:00 am.

Special Stake Conference Weekend with Area General Authority

Saturday, April 22

10:00-12:00 pm, at Temple Hill – All youth turning 16-20

Sunday, April 23

10:00 am Stake Conference for ALL stake members held at the Stake Center

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