Stake Day of Service

On the morning of April 29th, each ward in our stake will be involved in a service project that has been chosen and coordinated by their ward council.  The service projects will be from 8am to 12noon, then the stake will host a lunch at the Mission & Whitney Pavilion (3430 Mission Ave, Carmichael, CA 95608).  As a stake, we are serving at 2 schools, 2 community parks, and on the American River Parkway.

Please follow the Just Serve link for your ward’s project and sign up to let your ward know your coming.

Cottage Elementary Clean-up

Sponsored by Hurley & River City Wards, and coordinated through the Cottage Elementary principal

Cottage Elementary Just Serve Link 

Whitney Elementary Baseball Fields Clean-up

Sponsored by the Ashton Park Ward, and coordinated with Arcade Creek Little League, who are the stewards of the fields.

Parking will be available at Whitney Elementary on the Mission Entrance and the dirt lot entering off of Whitney

Whitney Elementary Just Serve Link 

Mission Elementary Clean-up

Sponsored by the Eastern Avenue Ward. Coordinated through the Mission Elementary principal.

Mission Elementary Just Serve Link 

American River Parkway Clean-up

Sponsored by the Mission Oak & Del Norte Wards. Coordinated through the American River Parkway Foundation

Link with more information

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