I Love to See the Temple

“I love to see the Temple” are the first words we sing in that inspiring primary hymn. We are blessed to have a beautiful temple here in Sacramento. The Temples that dot the earth are the holiest and most sacred places on the earth today. We go there to learn of God’s higher laws, to make Sacred Covenants, and to perform Ordinances where the Power of Godliness is Manifested.

In the Temple, we leave the influences of the world, and within those sacred walls, the spirit can speak to our souls more profoundly. We can receive personal revelation for our own lives and draw closer to our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ in ways that only a sacred communion in the temple can make happen. All of the Covenants and Ordinances that are taught in the Temple point our minds and our souls to the Sacred Mission of our Savior Jesus Christ. It helps us to have a true relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We get to know them better, and truly feel the godlike love they have for each one of us. The Temple truly is a place of love and beauty, like no other place on earth.

Next to the Temple, our homes can be a sacred place. We have been admonished by our Savior to organize our house. Make it a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of learning, a house of God. We can make our homes sacred places where the spirit can dwell and righteousness can abound. Let us look around our homes and see if the decorations lead us to God or do they distract from His spirit being present. If it is distracting to His spirit, let us have the courage to change it and replace it with things that will attract the spirit and please God. Is our home neat and clean? Is it free from yelling, profanities, demeaning comments, and other offenses to the spirit?  Do we try to entertain only uplifting media and computer sites? Like the Temple, do we strive to set standards for our homes so the spirit can feel comfortable dwelling there? Do we pray regularly and study and ponder the scriptures in our homes?  Do we listen to uplifting music in our homes? My brothers and Sisters, I am not suggesting all of this so we will feel guilty because our homes are not perfect. What I am saying is that all of us can do better. Let us start where we are, no matter how that looks. As we progress and make our homes more Christ-Centered, I do promise that you will find more joy and peace in your lives and in the lives of your loved ones.  And with that joy and peace will come rest from your personal afflictions.  

Our Heavenly Father loves you, your Savior Jesus Christ loves you enough that he gave His life for you and me.  There could be no better friend than one who would give his life for you. My Brothers and Sisters, I love you and pray for you every day.  May we strive to make our Homes, Christ-centered homes, and Worship at the Temple more often, is my prayer, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.


President Blair Moser

Sacramento East Stake

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