For the Strength of Youth Conference

Who: For all youth who are turning 14 in 2023 – turning 18 in 2023

When: July 10-15th, 2023

Where: Sonoma State University

Registration Dates

January 25, 2023 Registration opens to sign up for our stake’s assigned week. (Except for seniors – the date for them is still TBD)

March 16, 2023 registration opens for those that cannot go the week our stake is assigned

April 20, 2023 registration opens for all youth to fill vacancies.

What You Will Need for Registration

 1.    Youth’s church account username and password

2.    Parent phone numbers and email addresses

3.    Physician’s Name, physician’s phone number, Medical Record number, policy number, medication, special needs, existing conditions

4.    Dietary needs/Allergies

5.    Credit or Debit Card ($75 is due at registration – see your bishop with questions or concerns)

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