Let Your Light Shine

The Christmas season is the most wonderful time of the year. It is a time of giving, sharing,  and spending time with family and those who are most dear to you. All of this Christmas joy is made possible because of Him who showed the ultimate love for each one of us. He who was born in a lowly manger and spent His life doing miracles such as raising the dead, healing the sick and teaching His everlasting gospel to those who would hear Him. Yes, Jesus Christ is the whole reason for this remarkable season. He is the promised Messiah. He loved the world so much that He gave His life that we might have eternal life, the greatest gift that God can give to His children. 

This Christmas season may we let our light shine and be an example of goodness to those around us. Let us carry the light of Christ with us so that others might know of Him and His perfect gift. He is the embodiment of goodness, perfection, true love, Christlike love and charity.

May we “let God prevail in our lives” and show Him how much we love Him by accepting the gift of His atonement for each one of us and by doing our best to try to be like Him so that we can return home someday to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ forever in a true and never ending Christmas season full of joy and happiness.

Merry Christmas!

Love, President Moser

Light the World

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