Love, Share, Invite

While living the Gospel of Christ does not prevent us from challenge or difficulty, it does help us to find peace and perspective.  It helps us to see the simple blessings from heaven that God provides as we stay on the covenant path.  President Moser gave us the Six C’s to help us align our lives with our Heavenly Father and receive those blessings.

As we experience the blessings the Gospel brings, we want to share with others.  We can love, share, and invite others to feel these same joys through the Gospel.


“Love for others is the eloquent expression of the second great commandment to love our neighbor; it shows the refining process of the Holy Spirit working within our own souls. By demonstrating Christ’s love to others, we may cause those who see our good works to “glorify [our] Father which is in heaven.”

Elder Gary E. Stevenson


“If someone asks about your weekend, don’t hesitate to talk about what you experienced at church. Tell about the little children who stood in front of a congregation and sang with eagerness how they are trying to be like Jesus. Talk about the group of youth who spent time helping the elderly in rest homes to compile personal histories.”

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf


“There are hundreds of invitations we can extend to others. We can invite others to “come and see” a sacrament service, a ward activity, an online video that explains the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Come and see” can be an invitation to read the Book of Mormon…In our digital age, members often share messages through social media. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of uplifting things you might find worthy of sharing. This content offers invitations to “come and see,” “come and serve,” and “come and belong.””

Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Learn more ways to Love, Share, and Invite via many of the Church’s resources:


2022 Regional Broadcast

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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