Serve the IRC Sacramento

Our stake along with other surrounding stakes have been supporting refugee individuals and families through the Sacramento branch of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

In Need of Air Mattresses

The IRC has shared that there is a need for 100 air mattresses and pumps to support newly arrived refugees from Ukraine who are sleeping on the floor of homes of members of local Slavic churches.
Those interested in contributing can contact Brother and Sister Bosch who serve as hosts at the Sacramento IRC.  
Bro. Allan & Delcia Bosch <>

Personal Welcome Kits

You can also help IRC Sacramento by donating items for a “personal welcome kit.”  Ukraine refugees are temporarily being housed by several Slavic churches in the Sacramento region.  Many are doubling up in apartments or homes.  At this time, they can not store household items, but are in need of personal hygiene and other supplies.
Refugee Personal Welcome Kit (please specify man, woman, child and sizes S, M, or L on the outside of the kit)
In a backpack, duffle bag, zippered tote, cosmetic bag or other secure, easy-to-carry container:
  • new underwear
  • new socks
  • hygiene products:  toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, body wash, shampoo, deodorant, comb or brush, razors, sunscreen
  • feminine hygiene products:  pads, tampons, wipes
  • over-the-counter medicines:  Tylenol, Children’s Tylenol, band-aids, and Pepto bismol or Tums tablets (for stressed-out adults).

Other Ways to Help

In addition the following items are always welcome:
  • blankets
  • children’s simple toys (stuffed animals, balls, coloring books, and crayons, etc.)
  • Gift cards (Visa, Walmart, Target) – a Visa card can be used for transportation to a clinic, or to pay for needed medication, for example.

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