Sign Up for Just Serve

Just Serve

Our stake presidency has encouraged us to be aware of service opportunities around us by registering for Just Serve, an app that connects charitable organizations with volunteers.


  1. Visit or download the “Just Serve” app and create a free account.
  2. Invite one friend to register on
  3. Search the site for a service opportunity in your community and allow the spirit to direct you to how and when you and those you love might best serve. 

Along with leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ, our stake presidency has invited us to serve in our communities.  Just Serve, is a community tool developed under the direction of the Church has helped volunteers find opportunities to serve.



The Relief Society celebrated its 180th anniversary on March 17, 2022.  Sis. Sharon Eubank, a member of the Relief Society General presidency recently shared her testimony about the importance of serving others.  She extended an invitation to make an account on  As a Relief Society or Elder’s Quorum presidency member, please invite your members to visit JustServe, make an account, and serve as directed by the spirit. 


Sister Eubank went on to say, “What better way to honor [the Relief Society] mission of extending the pure love of Jesus Christ into the world than by joining a service project in your community?”.


We thank you for the service you already render.  We pray that in this time of difficulty we can find time to serve and lift our fellow man.

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